Shanaynay's Banaynay


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My Pets


Raphael is a weird dog. He will come to whatever name you may call him (Raph, Rupert, Animal, Critter). Hes a 10 year old Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier. He's a good people dog- good with kids, other dogs, and whoever else you may invite to the house. He can sit, roll over, shake hands, most whatever you ask him to do. He does cry a lot- sometimes he will think you want to give him a bath or brush him and he gets really scared and he whines. He's a good dog though, just a little sensative.




I got Soccer in 4th grade- he is 5 yeards old now. Hes a black and white Shih Tzu. He doesn't know his name, he can't do any tricks, and if you open the door he will run right off. If you don't push your chair in at the dinner table, he will jump on your chair and then jump on the table and eat whatever you may have left (in my case one time it was a steak). He is a nice, cute dog though. He sleeps, eats, and snores a lot. So basically he doesn't do much- but since he's so little everybody loves him.

